Sunday, April 10, 2011

Helpful Homework Resources

Boys and Girls and Parents,
As I have stated today in class I will be assigning homework regularly throughout the year. Parents you are encouraged to work with your child if and when they are in need of assistance. However the following homework link  is a helpful homework resource that will help my students throughout the year on their homework, as well as give them extra practice when needed. I encourage each and every one of you to browse the above link as it deals with the different units of math that we will be working on throughout the school year. The website can help you, boys and girls, get extra help and practice in math so that when you come to class you will be one step ahead! Parents you may want to guide your child through the website at first so that they become familiar with it.

Also another resource link that is extremely useful is the thesaurus Each week I will be posting a word in the classroom and your homework for that week will be to explore the thesaurus and find 3 words that you could use instead of the posted word. For example, if I post the word "good" I expect you all to come up with words like wonderful, super, or excellent. The reason for this is so that when I read your work, I will be excited and amazed at the new words you have learned. I will not be accepting work that includes boring words such as "good," I will expect to see the new words or synonyms that you have learned. In case any one has forgotten a synonym is a word that means the same. Every week I will add a synonym to our synonym chart so that the whole class can see them. Every week along with the synonyms, you will be coming up with sentences for your new words. Parents please look over these sentences with your child to make sure that they are using the word correctly. I will go over this ongoing task with you all in class for clarification.

This last resource link  is for parents. It includes a printable homework completion chart, homework checklists for parents, and helpful homework tips from other kids. The website also includes homework help like how to study for multiplication quizzes, 10 ways to help your kids do well in math and the list goes on. I find that this website is very useful for parents and I highly suggest for you all to check it out and give it a try!

I hope you enjoy these websites and I encourage you to use them as much as possible!

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